The 8085 architecture consists of above mentioned registers, flags and counters.įigure:1 8085 Microprocessor Architecture block diagramįigure-1 depicts internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor.īroadly 8085 architecture consists of three units viz. The 8085 chip is 8-bit general purpose microprocessor which can address Let us understand 8085 microprocessor architecture with its internal modules or units. It uses +5V supply voltage for its operation. The major features of 8085 chip are 8 bit data bus, 16 bit address bus,ģ.072 MHz internal clock frequency, 40 pin configuration etc.
The intel 8085 is 8 bit size microprocessor produced by Intel in the year 1976.
Stack pointer, Instruction register, memory address register, control register etc. The 8085 architecture consists of control unit, ALU, registers, accumulator, flags, program counter,
This 8085 architecture describes 8085 microprocessor internal modules with block diagram. 8085 Architecture | architecture on 8085 Microprocessor